Outsourced Business Development

A model based on the understanding that business development, in its essence, is a process occurring outside the organization

Our Services

The company develops and executes business development processes, specifically tailored for your organization

Creating growth strategies

Analyzing regulatory environments

Building and implementing marketing channels, public relations, lead management, creating messages, defining existing and new target audiences and growth engines

Establishing business collaborations and realizing business opportunities, inter and cross branch

Creating a unified language and writing smart content

Managing marketing and commercial projects and P&L units

Translation and localization, writing for websites and landing pages, newsletters and content for social media

Articles and press releases, pamphlets, brochures and sales kits, presentations for investor recruitment

Speeches, pitches and lectures, procedures and regulations, business plans

About Iris Lavan:

Consulting & Business Development, Content, Marketing and Project Management, P&L

Contact Us

+972 52-591-2019

Feel free to write us as well:

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Created with ♥ by Shiran Waldman Creative